

Dunkard Creek is a stream that flows 36.9 miles through Greene County, Pennsylvania and Monongalia County, West Virginia, near the towns of Mount Morris, Pennsylvania, and Blacksville, West Virginia



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Dunkard Creek Watershed

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The Purple Martin Project

The Dunkard Creek Watershed Assn. Inc.(DCWA) is taking care of the Purple Martin colony at Mason-Dixon Historical Park, the public park with the big red barn, on Buckeye Road just off Route 7 west.  Several years ago the colony was started by providing good housing for the birds in a suitable location. Purple Martins depend on humans to provide housing and help them look after their babies, believe it or not! Purple Martin nests become infested by blowflies and fleas, which suck blood from the baby birds. If humans don't clean out the nests and provide fresh material, the parasites can weaken or kill the nestlings. Google Purple Matin to learn about these fascinating birds.

Baby Purple MartinsBaby Purple MartinsChecking the Purple Martin boxLittle girl with baby Purple MartinInspecting the Purple Martin boxRemoving the baby Purple Martins from the nest boxRemoving the baby Purple Martins from the nest boxBaby Purple Martins and an eggPurple Martin nesting materialPurple Martin nesting materialPurple Martin nesting materialPurple Martin nesting materialPurple Martin nesting material